Friday, October 25, 2019

Choose the Type That Fits You

Darwin City Yoga classes are typical sessions in yoga studios with your teacher conducting the class that you are in. Usually, the students in your session have the same choice of the yoga style you are all doing.

Typically, the style of yoga you choose to try is most likely dependent on your current fitness level and your own future fitness goals.

General choices

For instance, if you are thinking of doing yoga for fitness and as a way of toning your muscles, you would fit right into the more dynamic type of yoga like Bikram or Ashtanga.

On the other hand, for a more mindful yoga practice, you might consider going to your class of Viniyoga. This one focuses on longer stretches and a strong mind/body connection. (You need to consult your doctor if you have some health or physical limitations that may conflict your ability to achieve the needed poses).

All of the various styles of yoga all incorporated the prayanama or breathing exercise. It also includes the Savasana pose at the end of the session in order to release tension in the joints or in the muscles.


You can choose from the numerous types of yoga that are taught, each with differences from the other.

Hatha yoga is a predominantly Western form of yoga that focuses on the physical aspect of the practice (stretching and strengthening with traditional poses). This one is good for beginners in learning basic poses.

Iyengar and Kripalu are also good for beginners. Iyengar focuses on learning how to align your body. Kripalu yoga is a slow form of yoga that promotes on mind and body awareness.

Ananda yoga is a traditional style of yoga that helps promote higher levels of self-awareness and inward reflection through silent self-affirmation.

The higher forms of yoga like the Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga combine proper breathing techniques with smooth and quick transitions between poses. Some yoga practices may not be fit to people with health conditions. (Bikram yoga is not appropriate for people with cardiovascular conditions or with diabetes.)


As a whole, yoga gives many positive physical and psychological benefits to its practitioners. The most common of these is an overall improved balance, strength and flexibility as well as reduced levels of stress.

Health benefits of yoga

Darwin City yoga classes can have many positive physical and psychological benefits, with some of the most common being improved balance, strength and flexibility as well as reduced levels of stress.

The mind/body connection and emphasis on breathing techniques helps to promote relaxation, which over time can decrease stress. Most asanas are isometric which means holding muscle tension for a period of time.

Mind/body connection

Yoga's focus on the aspects of mind/body connection and emphasis on breathing techniques helps to promote relaxation, which over time can decrease stress levels. Most asanas are isometric exercises, meaning they rely on holding muscle tension for a period of time

With regular practice, these exercises can help to increase blood circulation and may lower blood pressure. With weight-bearing isometric poses can help increase bone density and bone health in general.

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